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Below are some of my most requested workshops. All workshops can be customized and delivered in person or virtual.
Contact me if you have additional questions about my workshops or inquiries about customized sessions.
Born This Way: Leverage Your LGBTQ+ Identity for Workplace SuccessUsing a combination of storytelling and practical inspiration, I lead attendees to discuss how their marginalized identities are an excellent leadership asset. With my privilege in check, I illustrate key principles of leadership through a queer lens. This high-energy, high-engagement keynote is designed to help LGBTQ+ people feel confident and empowered to fulfill their potential as emerging leaders within your organization. This keynote will also help people leaders recognize the untapped potential within their LGBTQ+ talent. This workshop is suitable for employees of all levels and can be customized and is delivered as a 60-minute keynote presentation.
Cultural Competency 101: The Business ImpactLearn how your organization can improve its financial results and customer experiences by understanding the differences in various cultures. This presentation is full of fun trivia and case studies showing you how to become ‘multiculturally smart’ and increase your bottom line. This workshop is suitable for employees of all levels and can be customized and delivered as a 30-minute workshop.
Follow the Arc: Leverage Diverse Teams to Build a Profitable Culture of InclusionDiversity and culture are now the number one workplace priorities for millennials and Generation Z, the largest growing sectors in today’s workforce. To meet this demand, organizations are experiencing a significant shift in how leaders need to approach hiring, training, and managing employee behavior. When leaders bring diversity and inclusion into their leadership practices, they strengthen the culture and become much better equipped for the future. With candor and humor, I share the critical must-know practices for leaders to minimize hidden bias, empower under-represented team members, and create a profitable culture of inclusion. Leaders walk away with a greater understanding of diversity and inclusion, as well as simple, practical tools to strengthen their leadership skills. This workshop is best suited for leaders who already believe in the power of diversity, but need some guidance on how to lead inclusively. The workshop can be customized and delivered as a 60-minute, 90-minute, 2-hour, or 3-hour workshop.
Growing Business Through Understanding CulturesThis interactive presentation highlights what culture is, what shapes cultures, and why cultural competency is important. Learn about how culture can impact communication when working with your teams, customers, or vendors. Body language, reading emotions with COVID impact, and word choice are just some of the communication styles this session will address. This workshop is suitable for employees of all levels and can be customized and delivered as a 45-minute workshop.
I Will Survive: An Intersectional Exploration of LGBTQ+ HistoryIn this workshop, I explore key milestones in 20th and 21st-century LGBTQ+ history with an intersectional lens. Attendees will learn about a cast of diverse characters as we discuss the LGBTQ experience during WWII, the Lavender Scare, the Stonewall Uprising, the fight for marriage equality, and the recent Bostock decision by the U.S. Supreme Court. Through these and other stories, we'll share mini lessons in allyship that inspire your ally journey. This workshop is suitable for employees of all levels and can be customized and delivered as a 60-minute workshop.
Just The Way You Are: An Inclusive Language SeriesLanguage takes on many forms from verbal to non-verbal and everything in between. It is in a constant state of evolution and change even though sometimes that change can be slower than the reality we live in. Just because idioms, phrases, or words are normalized does not mean they have to stay a part of our language when they have become problematic and irrelevant. This practical workshop on language provides a framework, tools, and actionable items you can use immediately to change the impact of your language not only in business settings but in your day-to-day life. When we harness the power of our language, we become stronger allies. This workshop is suitable for everyone and works well as a lunch and learn.
Over The Rainbow: Tools to Be An Authentic LGBTQ+ AllyOver 10% of Gen Z are identifying as LGBTQ+, yet the "alphabet soup" of letters confuses many well-meaning colleagues. In this program, I define key terms, dig into policies that affect the LGBTQ+ community, and share tools to build allies – and be an ally. This practical and humorous session is designed to inspire employees to become advocates and allies toward LGBTQ+ colleagues and clients. We even include some trivia questions! This workshop is suitable for employees of all levels and can be customized and delivered as a 60-minute or 90-minute workshop.
The ARC Method: Ask Better Questions to Be an Intentional AllyPeople with good intentions want to do the right thing to create a more inclusive culture, but often don’t know what to say. As a result, they don’t say anything. The impact of that silence does not align with their intention. They allow the fear of messing up or not knowing how to reframe the situation to keep them silent. We believe that if we don’t know what to say in any given situation, the best option is to ask a question. In this highly interactive session, attendees will take a deep dive into The ARC Method, a tool that helps anyone connect across differences and speak up as an ally. ARC is an acronym for ASK. RESPECT. CONNECT. Attendees will learn and practice two contexts of how they use the powerful ARC to be a more intentional ally. This workshop is 60 minutes long and suitable for everyone.
Voices Carry: Everyone's Role as an Ally in the WorkplaceGen Z expects organizations to be inclusive of the diversity of their generation. But it’s not always easy because of unconscious bias and the microaggressions that sometimes creep into everyday conversations. This session will raise awareness of everyone’s unconscious biases, and provide solutions, including the ARC Method of communication. The presentation will be practical and actionable, not theoretical. Every team member will walk away with key takeaways and tools they can use to be more inclusive with their colleagues. This workshop is best suited for individual contributors who are aspiring allies and can be customized and delivered as a 60-minute, 90-minute, or 2-hour workshop.
What's Going On An Introduction to AntiracismMany of your employees now expect your organization to speak out against racism and have an internal plan to address racial equity. What happens inside a company now is an important clue as to how it will succeed going forward. This research-based session shares some of the systems of racism present in the U.S. describes their legacy and provides specific systemic antiracist ways to move forward. The goal is to help start your process of authentically leading your organization on a sustainable path towards antiracism and a workplace culture that builds loyal employees. This workshop is suitable for employees of all levels and can be customized and delivered as a 60-minute seminar or 90-minute workshop.
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